Complete this assessment based on how you are NOW in your health and fitness, not how you were immediately postpartum or how you want to be in the future.
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Question 1 of 14
Do you frequently experience heaviness, fullness, or pressure in your pelvic area/vagina?
Question 2 of 14
Do you ever feel or notice a bulge in your vaginal area?
Question 3 of 14
Are you able to fully empty your bladder?
Question 4 of 14
Are you able to fully empty your bowels?
Question 5 of 14
Do you experience pain with bowel movements?
Question 6 of 14
Are you experiencing discomfort during intercourse?
Yes, with initial penetration
Yes, with deep penetration
Yes, during or after orgasm
Question 7 of 14
Have you noticed a decrease in strength or difficulty achieving orgasm postpartum?
Question 8 of 14
Do you experience any urinary leaking?
Yes, with sneezing, coughing, laughing, or jumping
Yes, during long walks or when I cannot get to the bathroom quickly
Question 9 of 14
How often are you peeing during the night? (sleep hours, not the evenings)
3 or more
Question 10 of 14
Do you notice any bulging, coning, or herniation in your abdominal area?
Yes, when I am lifting up an object
Yes, when I go from sitting to standing
Yes, and it seems worse after meals or at the end of the day
Yes, when performing abdominal exercises
Question 11 of 14
How well are you able to perform household chores, as compared to pre-pregnancy?
Well, with no difficulty
Moderately well, with some modifications
Somewhat, with lots of modifications
Not at all
Question 12 of 14
How well are you able to exercise, as compared to pre-pregnancy? Activities like walking, working out, running, or whatever you were into pre-pregnancy.
Moderately, with some modifications
Question 13 of 14
How well are you able to participate in social activities, as compared to pre-pregnancy?
Question 14 of 14
How are you feeling emotionally regarding your pelvic health and overall fitness?
Frustrated and depressed